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The best approach to managing your team is through compassionate leadership. Our latest guest, Brian Donovan, Executive Coach at Donovan Leadership, shows you how you can achieve big results with compassionate leadership. Brian speaks to Linh Podetti, founder of Outsourcing Angel in the episode of The Kind Boss podcast and shares how the gentle leadership approach is the best way to nurture your team.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to treat employees with respect
  • How to become a good leader
  • How to instill mutual respect in the workplace
  • How compassionate management will revolutionise your business

Watch now to develop a sound approach in humble leadership and experience the difference in your business. If you’re looking for coaching for leaders, then Brian is the right person for you. His wealth of knowledge and experience, and his gentleness is simply amazing, and he is definitely a Kind Boss!

Valuable tips that you will get from this interview:

  • Business Leadership
  • Getting results
  • Gentle art of leadership
  • Leadership insights
  • Investing for the long term
  • Recognise limiting beliefs
  • True leadership will show during tough times


Brian shares some take-aways as you listen to this episode, check below :

  • Practice is key to leadership
  • Treat people with respect and dignity
  • Understanding that every situation and person is different
  • Having different types of leaderships
  • Caring and taking an interest is a form of leadership
  • Why patience is important and is part of long term investments
  • Develop people, trust them, and let them be great as they can be
  • Recognising limiting beliefs and getting over the hump

Here are some valuable tips about excellent leadership

Gentle art of leadership

Every person and situations are different, each time there is a different type or ideal approach, so it is kind of like an art in that sense. And the gentle part is not being soft nor compliant but actually treating people well with dignity and respect. If one’s willing, then anyone can learn this art of leadership, and actually get better results.

Being there for the longer term

Have patience, look at the big picture, think of it as an investment and not be driven with KPI so much. It’s building people, building on their own leadership capability, giving them a scope and empowering them to become the best versions of themselves, then that would surprise you with the results, which may be well beyond.

About Brian Donovan

Brian Donovan
Executive Coach, Donovan Leadership

Brian Donovan helps technical experts transition into leaders who succeed. He is a dedicated advocate of powerful and practical leadership. His commitment to the field is informed by over forty years’ experience working with senior leaders – as a senior executive in Telstra and as CEO of the not-for-profit group, the IT Skills Hub. He is an executive coach, facilitator and author. Brian draws from his practical experience as a senior executive to assist his clients to build their influence with their key stakeholders. His programs enable leaders to

achieve stretch results beyond what they thought possible and to make the difference they are committed to making. He is energised by an ongoing program of research and scholarship and has a passion for gamechanging leadership. His recent book, ‘Leadership is Changing the Game,’ distils many of the lessons and experiences from participants in his executive coaching program and is a valuable resource for leaders and teams who want to build their influence and change the game. Brian has worked with leaders and teams across a broad spectrum of industry sectors from IT, banking and finance, professional services, telecommunications, government, health, not-forprofit and more. Brian is co-authoring his next book with Dean Phelan, called The Gentle Art of Leadership. We believe that leaders who treat people with dignity and respect, get the best out of them and achieve bigger results than command/control style leaders.


Checkout and download The Lockdown Library your free copy of his book – Leadership Is Changing the Game – The Transition from Technical Expert to Leader.

Visit to find out more about Brian’s executive coaching program and his programs that develop leadership skills for executives. Look out for his new book, The Gentle Art of Leadership, that will show you how gentle leadership and kindness leadership is pivotal to your success.

Connect Brian:
Follow Brian’s Twitter @briandonovan1 and on his Facebook Page

Charlotte Ramos

Charlotte is a Copywriting Virtual Assistant with over 10 years of experience in marketing content creation, search engine-optimised blog articles and website copy. She's one of our most valuable Angels with vast knowledge of the digital marketing landscape and business systemisation.